But putting my own personal commitment to the clubs to one
side, does the decision make sense even in a time of austerity or is it
reflective of an approach to service management that should have no place in an
inclusive society? Or to put it another way do local politician always have to
choose between cutting services for different vulnerable groups – whether they
are disabled children, or older citizens with dementia, or is there another way
of finding the savings and efficiencies that are required in today’s tough
economic climate; because not even I do not think that you should fund clubs for disabled
children by cutting services to other vulnerable groups.
Nevertheless, the decision to attempt to save money by
cutting an entire service is a poor one, especially when considered in the
context of the other changes that are being proposed. It is reflective of a
Children’s Services Leadership that is at odds with the principles of public
sector reform proposed by all of the major parties. In particular the political
party that it serves, and what should concern the County Councillors is that it
may be open to legal challenge.
The cuts in services most likely to affect children with SEN and
The closure of the Afterschool and Holiday Club Service has
to be viewed in the context of the other proposals within the plan that are
likely to affect disabled children. So in addition to closing the After-School
and Holiday Club service they are proposing to:
‘Convert a short breaks respite unit to residential care home
for up to 6 children (currently in agency placement)’;
Reduce the numbers of children and families supported by the
Secondary Behaviour Support service;
Reduce NHS/Children’s
Services joint commissioning capacity;
Make further cuts to
the Inclusion Support Service including a ‘reduced training offer to parents/carers
and multidisciplinary professionals acting in role of Key-Worker Early Support’;
Get rid of the
Inclusion Bursary Fund –that supports the inclusion of disabled children in
childcare settings.
Identifying the strategic and long term impact of these cuts
on disabled children is not that difficult and Short Break Provision and
Inclusion are a particular concern.
The Impact on Short Break Provision
We can assume that the After School and Holiday Clubs are
providing at least 10000 hours of short breaks a year to the families of
children attending the county’s special schools and given the budget it may
well be significantly more than that.
We can then add the overnight short break provision that
will be lost. If it is the Resource C entre I think it is it has the capacity
to provide 7 beds 365 days a year, giving a possible total of 2555 days of
overnight short break capacity being lost. It is probable that the centre is
not being run at full capacity so assuming 90% occupancy we are probably
looking at a more likely figure in the region of 2300 overnight breaks being
lost. So taken together this set of proposals will decimate the short break
provision being made available to families in East Sussex.
The third element of the proposals likely to have an impact
on short break provision is the cutting of the Inclusion Support Bursary. This
fund supports the inclusion of children with SEN and Disabilities in childcare
settings and whilst Short Breaks are not traditionally referred to as childcare
the two are closely linked. When childcare is not available or suitable it is
to short breaks that families have to turn. As the plan points out a likely
consequence of the proposal is that less effective inclusion in childcare is
likely to increase demand for more specialist provision.
The effect of all three of these proposals on the everyday
lives of families will be significant. One of the original motivations for
setting up the After School and Holiday Clubs was to help parents’ and carers
to be able reclaim some of the ordinary back into their everyday lives. It was
hoped that for some it might make work possible or that it would give them the
opportunity to do things with their other children.
The impact of the cuts to the overnight short breaks
provision is likely to be as significant, if not more so. This type of service is particularly
important for the families of young people who have disrupted sleep patterns.
Having a disabled child challenges families in many ways but the impact of
disrupted sleep patterns is often over-looked by policy makers. But it is easy
to gain an insight into just what these cuts will mean to this group of
families. All you have to do is to set your alarm to go off every three hours, every
night, for a month and then on the last night of the month give yourself an
overnight break for a night. If you do this for a month you will have some idea
of what some families have to do for years. Then imagine that your one night a
month of short break is being taken away from you.
The paradox is of course that the overnight short break
provision is being cut so that East Sussex can provide its own residential
provision and to reduce dependence on out of county residential
placements. So rather than providing
overnight short breaks to dozens of families it will provide residential care
to seven. The provision for the seven young people may well be needed, but the
consequences of the cut in overnight short breaks for those families who use
the overnight short breaks service are predictable.
As some families reel with the impact of the cuts to the
County’s Short Break provision; other families, whose children might have less
obvious but equally challenging difficulties, will then be hit by the Council’s
proposals on Behaviour and Inclusion Support.
These proposals are likely to have an impact on our schools ability to
include children and young people with SEN and Disabilities in our mainstream
schools. The extent of that impact will
be uncertain but its likelihood is reasonable when you consider the following national
statistics on the exclusion of children with SEN. In 2010/11
Number of
Percentage of
Percentage of
school population
Pupils with SEN with statements
Pupils with SEN without statements (9)
Pupils with no SEN
All pupils (10)
The proposals to cut Inclusion and Behaviour Support to
schools are likely to have a detrimental effect on the life chances of this
group of young people, who in 2010/11 where 9 times more likely to be excluded
from school.
This withdrawal of support has also got to be seen in the
context of the government’s current proposals to restructure the Statutory
Assessment Process through ‘Support and Aspiration’ and the Children’s Bill. According
to the Council for Disabled Children the implementation of Support Aspiration
will make it more difficult for some groups of children and young people to get
support. Regardless of whether or not the CDC’s concerns prove to be true,
continued cuts to Inclusion Support in the context of the introduction of
Support and Aspiration would appear to be a reckless proposal.
Are these proposals in breach of the Equalities Act?
Technically these proposals may be in breach of the
Equalities Act, but they are undoubtedly in breach of its principles. East
Sussex County Council has adopted a revenue plan for Children’s Services that collectively
is likely to have a significant impact on the lives of disabled children. The
scale of the changes that are being proposed means that according to the
Equalities Act 2010 a proportionate assessment of their impact needs to take
place and that assessment should involve the stakeholders likely to be affected
by the proposed changes. As far as I am
aware no proportionate assessment of the potential impact was carried out
involving the stakeholders who are likely to be affected. The County
Councillors were not presented with documentary evidence on the number of short
breaks that would be lost and any kind of estimation the impact that this would
have on the lives of families. Nor is there any evidence that schools and young
people have been involved in discussions on the impact of cuts to Inclusion and
Behaviour Support.
East Sussex Children’s Services Department’s public involvement strategy would
seem to be to announce slightly more cuts than are actually required, then wait
to see which group shouts the loudest and offer a compromise in response to
‘public opinion’. It is an established form of expectation management, but
should not be confused with any form of consultation. Whilst David Cameron
might wish to get rid of Equalities Impact Assessments and their requirement to consult, at the time that the
County Council accepted these proposals they were still a legal requirement.
But perhaps the best thing about the Equalities Act is not that it can be used to delay
cuts to services (because it can rarely be used to stop them), it is that it
requires stakeholders to work together when considering changes to services. Some might think it a bureaucratic waste of time, but it is actually an essential component of
an inclusive society and the only way in which services can be protected without damaging those of other vulnerable groups.
A participatory approach to saving money
If the Children’s Services Department had involved its
Children’s Services Stakeholders in its planning, could it have made a
difference to the cuts that are being proposed?
The example of the Afterschool and Holiday Clubs illustrates how a
collaborative approach to this process might have affected the proposals and
mitigated the possible impact of the cuts.
Operationally the After School and Holiday Clubs
are structured in the following way.
The After School and Holiday Clubs were originally set up as
an extended school initiative yet have always operated as social care provision
within the Community of Families and Schools. The rationale behind this set up,
was that it minimises the impact that running the clubs has on the day to day
operation of the schools. It means that they are registered as a separate
organisation to the school and were they required to do so would be inspected
as a separate organisation by Ofsted. This organisation of the clubs does have
its disadvantages. It means that it has to have its own management and
administrative infrastructure that is distinct from the schools. The core
service to families is provided in the schools – by the Club Supervisors and
their team of staff.
If the County Council had adopted a collaborative approach
to its need to make savings a number of solutions might have presented themselves. The most
obvious of which would have been that each club is taken over by its respective
school and that the savings to the local authority are secured not by cutting
an entire service but by cutting its management infrastructure. Including employers contributions this would
save something in excess of £80,000 per annum. These savings could be achieved
without affecting the service provided to families.
Obviously the feasibility of such an idea would be dependent
upon the views of the people concerned. Would the families want the clubs to be
run by the schools? Would the schools be able or willing to offer line
management to the clubs? Some may, some may not. It is also possible that one
school might wish to take over the running of all of the clubs. Then we also
need to remember that it is our locally elected politicians who would be
funding this service on behalf of the people of East Sussex, most of whom do
not have disabled children. And given
that this is a Conservative local authority, it is also possible that the
County Councillors might want to make the funding dependent upon the schools
with these additional responsibilities having or at least seeking Academy status.
Whilst I have used the example of the After School and
Holiday Clubs to illustrate how community engagement could be used to create
savings and efficiencies, this process of engaging the community is capable of
generating efficiencies and savings across all of our services. What is ironic
is that it reflects the inclusive aspirations of the Equalities Act but also
interestingly those of David Cameron’s Big Society.
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